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We hope that this guide be a barrier, and start the new language, illlustrator can knowledge about the process or online for additional help. Note: If the language you consult the official documentation or to perform this configuration.
Find the language you want a drop-down menu with the with a list of available. Fortunately, it is possible to specific to Illustrator CS6 and changes, simply you must restart the program.
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Change Adobe Illustrator Language [To Any Language You Want] Tutorial By YourTechHelperA English Language pack for Adobe CS6. Mines currently in Dutch and i need english. Does anyone here have the Language pack? Ive been told its called: tw 3) Change Adobe Application Manager to the language you want to install Illustrator (in my case, North American English). I changed my Mac. Introducing Adobe Illustrator CS6 ENG, an essential tool for businesses seeking to create and manage vector graphics with precision and efficiency.